Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, tits to that

A couple weeks ago, I made a joke to my friend about fighting a Japanese woman in a bar: "What is she gonna do, titless me to death?"

Well, sirs, I have received my karmic comeuppance.

I popped into a professional hair care supplier to buy hair dye and developer. The cashier spoke a little English, and she complimented my bag and choice of colour. Pleased, I bent to collect my shopping bags, when she goes, "Oohhhh!"

I straightened up, and she made the universal gesture of Hey Look Titties. "Very big!!! I like!!"

"Uh...arigatou gozaimasu."

Then I totally fucked her on the French nails display.

Nah, I'm messing with you. But STILL.

A Taste of Home

I've been a little depressed lately, so when I got a chance to go to Nissin, the international grocery store, I spent way too much money. Still, here's what I bagged:

1. Nonfat milk
2. Canadian Vanilla Maple tea (a Celestial Seasonings specialty flavour that as far as I know is only sold in Canada)
3. Guinness cheddar
4. Greek yogurt
5. Kalamata olives
6. HUMMUS!!!!!!! (Granted, hummus in a box. But still. Hummus.)
7. Patak's curry in a jar
8. Tom Yum Goong soup mix
9. Jalapenos
10. Dorset cereal
11. Pita bread

Thank you, Nissin. That was $80 well-spent.