Friday, November 21, 2008

What I'm Thankful For

Reading a Thanksgiving story aloud to kids under the age of ten has a few unexpected bonuses. Names have been changed to protect the generally innocent.

GTA: *pointing to pictures in book* Where's the turkey?

GAGGLE OF CHILDREN (GAC): There! There! Turkey! *assorted turkey noises*

GT: Great job! Where's the...corn?

Japanese children love corn. Actually, all of Japan loves corn to a frightening degree, but let's not get into that right now.

GTA: Wow, good job, everyone! Okay...Ken, can you find another food in this picture?

Ken studies the picture solemnly for a minute, before breaking out into a wicked grin. He points to something on the page.


Sure enough, he's touching a smiling baby, who was sitting innocently at the table and totally unaware that it was on the menu.

GTA: What? Babies aren't food!

KEN: Haha, baby!

GTA: Okay, everyone, repeat after me: babies aren't food.


I'm a good influence, after all.

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